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We tried. We told them to keep it secret…to keep it safe. They failed. It’s everywhere now. It’s all over me. We know the cause of the leak. We know now where they got it, and we know who it was, but it doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that its out. There is, honestly, only one road now to go down. If its going to be released, the least we can do is give you a decent (read: not bad Mp3 bootleg) version of this demo to play with. This is the version to spread around. Let the world know.

So, We’ve heard it called “Don’t turn your back on the city” We’ve heard it called “DTYBOTC..BY?”. “Breaking Out” is the working title. Its scheduled to be the opening track for side II of Act II (our upcoming sophomoric release). It debuts the second of the two themes of the album; the counterpoint to the whole of side 1. If side one is a Spaghetti Western gone Robocop, then side two is Streets of Fire gone Logan’s Run. A dirty 1980s future where Spandex is tough and an alleyway knife fight is the only justice a man needs. We hope Steinman will be proud.

In other news:
We have a host of events coming up. We’d better see you there:
29th – Atlanta, GA – DRAGON•CON @Marriott Atrium Ballroom *ALL AGES* – 11:57PM
1st – Nashville, TN – 8 OFF 8th @Mercy Lounge *21+* – Only 3 Songs – 8:00PM
11th – Nashville, TN – NEXT BIG NASHVILLE @Exit/In *18+* – 11:00PM
12th – Chattanooga, TN @Rhythm & Brews – 8:00PM

Report to the Command Station. Your services are needed in Nashville and Chattanooga.

This is more than likely going to be our last burst of shows for the rest of the year, so if you were planning on skipping these to go to the next ones…get a new plan.
Don’t cry….ACT II is COMING!

Speaking of Act II. The last three days have been spent finishing two songs for a fancy style release towards the end of October…more on that later.

There’s no easy way out.


Our Respects.

There are few reasons we break our vow of silence in between news
bulletins. We’ve recently learned of a fallen ally. A fallen friend.
Godspeed, Hayden. You will be missed.
-The Protomen

Hold On To Your Butts…

Deepest, Blue…est, Our hats are truly like a sharks fin.We understand, dear allies, that our readership will suffer great loss due to the fact that our news post this week is competing with Shark Week.
•note• this was written several days ago and sent out on our mailing list…although it breaks our hearts, we know that shark week is over…we’re not just living in denial…we’re just too lazy to write something new. •end note•

Even as I write of our victories and defeats these last few weeks, my eyes are drawn to the box…drawn to the flickering screen and the destructive force within.  I assure you, readers, they can do that…they can bust through a steel door. Although with all that I’ve learned these last 3 days, nothing has taught me more about our underwater foes than Deep Blue Sea, which I’ve recently discovered is actually the epic sequel to Jurassic Park..er Posey(no small ally of a movie).
But surely I stray,
There are things which beg mentioning.

Firstly, thank you for all that showed support in the epic struggle that was the  Deli Magazine Vote-A-Thon 2000…For those not up to speed(i.e. ON THE MAILING LIST), the Nashville division of Deli Magazine entered us into an online poll to choose their Band of the Month. We put those of you who are on our MAILING LIST to the test, and you built us a fancy house with a white picket fence in the illustrious Nation of Victory!  You should give their site a little visit. While you’re there, you can read a friendly new article that they posted, as well as, learn more about the Nashville music scene….GO SEE!! 
Seriously, though…give them a comment…let them know you like their site…..or we’ll kill your family(not really, but do you really want to test us? We’re tough robots…or at least as close as you can get by painting your face silver and dressing like an extra in a Sergio Leone film).

Enough business, now to the goods.
We finally brought the hell that we’d promised for years to the midwest. They took it as well as could be expected. They fought. They fell. They climbed back to their feet and they just kept swinging.
We played some of the most amazing venues this run – from destroyed churches in Chicago (complete with 6 foot neon crosses) the rooftops of Louisville (technically not the midwest…but it was still an amazing venue.)
We saw some of the most astounding things – Murfreesboro’s own Henry Daggs at a Protoshow, singing no less…Springfield, MO loved us so much that they tried to keep us around by dragging a man with a gun out into the streets to justify quartering a city block off for an hour.)
After coming down from the rooftops, we ate Bison. America’s most delicious once-endangered animal. Apparently they’re doing well enough to be made into Frito pies.
And we played furiously.
Things weren’t always great. There was St. Paul. Things got bad. We damn near tore each other apart. Enclosed here is a recording of the speech that Doctor Ben gave just before he died suddenly and tragically. You will be missed Doctor Ben. But in that speech, he gave us the hope that we needed to carry on and make it…to Iowa.
Thanks to everyone involved in making this the best darn summer of our entire lives.
See you next fall.


The future. We can’t leave for summer vacation without exchanging addresses, signing yearbooks, and telling everyone how much we’ll miss them. We made out with some of you fine readers behind the baseball dugout last Thursday after arts and crafts…we’ll never forget that.

The Future:
Our summer vacation will be spent as follows:
This Week: Learn about sharks by combined watching of the Discovery Channel and the movies Deep Blue Sea, Jaws, and Jurassic Parker Jr.
August 16th: Playing with our video-game addict allies in the fair city of Baltimore at 32-Bit Genocide
August 29, 30, 31: Playing DragonCon in Atlanta: The toughest of all Dragons and the 2nd toughest of all Cons (after the ThunderCon, of course)
September 10-14: Playing Next Big Nashville…a festival held once a year to decide where Nashville will move to next.
After That: We have a fancy surprise that you’ve all been waiting for…no, not the release of ACT II..but something from it….maybe around late Oct/early Nov? STAY TUNED!
After After That: ACT II (the album, not the popcorn) EXCITING!!!

After shark week is over, tune your eyes and ears back to the proper channels for more information.

Thanks again to everyone we met, played with, slept in basement belonging to, ate bison burgers made by, tortured cats with a laser pointer owned by, got free medical advise from, and made out with behind the dugout last Thursday after arts and crafts.
We’ll never forget any of you…whatever your names were.

Here’s to swimmin’ with bow-legged women.
