The album release show for “A Night Of Queen” was an absolute blast of fun times. A huge thank you to everyone who came out and partied with us. Another big thanks to Makeup And Vanity Set and Devin Lamp for bringing their respective Moroder and Bowie to the show. It was the icing on the already awesome cake. But not to be outdone, Tenacious D decided that icing wasn’t enough and they went ahead and dropped a gallon of ice cream right on top of the night by showing up and joining us for Bohemian Rhapsody. As some of you may have noticed, the Hollywood gossip machine jumped on board and gave the whole world the scoop. Thank you, Hollywood gossip machine, you’ve brought our lifelong dream of gracing the pages of TMZ and Perez Hilton to fruition. We’ve made it… this far.
All in all, it was one of the funnest* nights we’ve had in a very long time. Thank you.
* shut up, grammar nerds. I command that “funnest” is now a real word.
Speaking of… Don’t you dare forget about our Toronto show with Tenacious D in a few days. It’s going to be the most exciting Super Post 4th of July Extravaganza that Canada has ever seen. Get your tickets as fast as you can. And if, for some reason, you live up that direction and aren’t making the trip to Toronto, make sure you give it your best to be at the three awesome shows we’re playing on the way home. Pittsburgh, Columbus, and Cleveland.

This is a big one. Get ready, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, NorthWest, and… Center (you should be called the MidWest, but somehow Ohio already claimed that). We’re coming for you.
We’re starting it off right by driving down to Orlando, FL to play the shit out of Nerdapalooza 2012. We’re not just playing one show… we’re playing two. That is one more show than one show. One night of Protomen, and one night of Queen. From there, we’re going to play our way across the country to the West Coast, where we will then play our way up the West Coast to the NorthWest, after which we will play our way across the middle of the US on our way home. That’s a lot of playing our way places, but that’s what we do. Be there to see it happen.
For those of you who have been asking… Yes, it’s true. We have once again been summoned by the PAX Lords (they demand that we call them Lords) to play some jams up in Seattle, and once again we have accepted their summons. As always, we couldn’t be more excited to play those jams for the Lords of the PAX and everyone else, but unfortunately, if you don’t already have a pass to PAX, you probably aren’t going to be able to hear those jams. It sold out immediately. For those of you who already have a pass… congratulations, you are the victor/s. However, Seattlonians… if you didn’t get a PAX pass, don’t cry tears out of your face. You can catch us the day after PAX at El Corazon. Our show there last year was amazing, and so it shall be again. Don’t miss it!
If you see a location near you on the following list, grab your tickets before they’re gone (some dates don’t have ticket links – we are trying to rectify that).
05th – Toronto, ON – Echo Beach (with Tenacious D… Again!)
07th – Pittsburgh, PA – Altar Bar
08th – Columbus, OH – Ruby Tuesday Live
09th – Cleveland, OH – Beachland Ballroom
04th – Orlando, FL – The Beacham (NERDAPALOOZA FEST)
05th – Orlando, FL – The Beacham (NERDAPALOOZA FEST)
08th – New Orleans, LA – House of Blues
09th – Houston, TX – Fitzgerald’s
10th – Dallas, TX – Prophet Bar
11th – Austin, TX – Red 7 —- ALL AGES
12th – San Antonio, TX – Korova
14th – Tucson, AZ – The Hut
15th – Phoenix, AZ – Rhythm Room
17th – San Diego, CA – Soma
18th – Las Vegas, NV – Hard Rock
22nd – Anaheim, CA – Chain Reaction
23rd – Los Angeles, CA – The Roxy
24th – San Francisco, CA – Broadway Studios/Mabuhay Gardens Room
25th – Reno, NV – Alley
28th – Portland, OR – Hawthorne
29th – Vancouver, BC – Biltmore
31st – Seattle, WA – PAX Prime (sold out) (show day tba)
01st – Seattle, WA – PAX Prime (sold out) (show day tba)
02nd – Seattle, WA – PAX Prime (sold out) (hanging out this day)
03rd – Seattle, WA – El Corazon
05th – Salt Lake City, UT – Kilby
06th – Denver, CO – Marquis Theatre
08th – Oklahoma City, OK – Conservatory
09th – Memphis, TN – Hi-Tone
*more ticket links are on the way. Keep your one good eye trained on our Tour Dates page for updates.
Makeup And Vanity Set and 88:88.
Some of you know about this already, so I apologize ahead of time for talking to you like you don’t know anything. Last month, Makeup And Vanity Set released his soundtrack album to the short film 88:88 (if you don’t have it already, you should fix that… it’s awesome). At some point during the month, it came to our attention that the film was entered into a fight to the death in the Youtube film festival. We need your help to smash all of the other films (as good as they may or may not be). If they get into the top 10, 88:88 gets into the Venice Film Festival. If they win, Ridley Scott gives them a $500,000 production grant. Click on the awesome GIF below to watch the film and vote once a day until the internet breaks.

Holy shit, this is a long mailer,
Tags: Protomen News by The Protomen