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Tomorrow’s MAVS Vinyl Release/Dance Party Has Been Rescheduled.

Attention Makeup and Vanity Set Loving Cancer Haters,
Firstly, allow us to congratulate all of you on aligning yourselves perfectly with the likes and dislikes of The Protomen. We too Hate cancer…almost as much as we love Makeup and Vanity Set.

That being said, we have a bit of bad news.

As some of you may have already noticed, the Makeup and Vanity Set vinyl release party tomorrow night has been canceled. Our beloved MAVS has had an unfortunate family emergency which has called him to travel north this morning. We don’t feel right celebrating the release of his work without him. We’ve decided to postpone the celebrating until he can return to us (we are only postponing the party… not the album release). The Brick Factory has graciously allowed us to pencil in Quatro De Mayo (The 4th of May…o) as the new date. Thank you all for your understanding and we look forward to seeing each of you dance your asses off with us on May 4th. All tickets already purchased will be honored on the new date or refunded if you can’t make it (make contact with the purchase point if you would like the refund option). Keep your eye out for a mailer in the near future that will have all the hard facts about the reschedule.

To those of you who are not in the Nashville area and were never planning on attending… now you have more than a month to plan. Stop goofing off and come goof off with us.

In other news:
If you signed up by today (03/16/12) for the Light Up The Night video, I’d say it’s safe to assume you made the cut. If you need to book your flights and such, you needn’t worry about not getting in. However, if you applied and are under 18, we are very sorry to inform you that this has been confirmed to be an 18+ ordeal.

Sorry for the semi-downer email, but we’ve got plleennnnty of sweet ass things coming soon… like THIS!

-The Protomen

Hold On To Your Butts… Again!

Things are about to get the most real.

On March 17th, we will be having a super awesome dance party in Nashville to celebrate the release of this action –

Yep. A giant pallet of awesome landed in front of Murphy’s house and after he hacked it open with a machete…this was the only copy still in one piece. We figured if we threw a rock-n-roll dance party…you guys could get drunk and help us glue them back together. We hate gluing stuff back together by ourselves. In fact, the only thing we hate more than gluing stuff back together by ourselves… is Cancer.

That’s right! If you’re looking to put your Irish debauchery-bone to some good use on St. Patrick’s Day/Night… while getting your copy of the limited edition Makeup And Vanity Set Presents: The Protomen picture disc vinyl… and dancing the night away with your favorite robot rockers, we’ve got good news for you. The party’s proceeds are going to benefit the American Brain Tumor Association!

We’re thinking of calling it “The St. Patricks Day ‘Fight Brain Cancer while Killing Brain Cells’ Dance Party”

If you don’t think you can make it to the release party, don’t freak out. Pre-Sale for the records starts NOW. As well as this new limited edition Commemorative 525SEA Cassette T-Shirt!

Pre-Order the record and shirt separately, or as a super efficient combo.

Due to unforeseen circumstances (google sending our mailer to nearly everyone’s spam box), the veil of secrecy about this next part has been lifted. Ignore the parts that relate to spreading it like the herp. You can spread it any way you wish.

This next part is a super secret, so don’t go spreading it around like the herp (you can spread it to hot girls, though… that didn’t exactly come out like I wanted, but I hate deleting things, so I’ll just keep going with this sentence that could have been avoided had I just worked up enough courage to use the backspace button). On our way up to Boston for PAX, we’re stopping off in NYC to shoot a video for Light Up The Night (for reals). It’s going to be one hell of a thing, and we’re going to need the help of all those who want to hang out with us all day and make Hollywood (…or NY) movie magic. It’s a daytime shoot on Sunday, April 1st (not fake). We’re going to need 150 extras to bring some scripted thunder. The production will be automatically accepting the first 100 applicants and will be choosing the rest by headshots that we’d like you to submit. We aren’t requiring head shots, but if you do, it sort of doubles your chances for getting some screen time (but maybe not. I’m terrible at math).

Unfortunately, we don’t have a unicorn that shits money, so all we can give you in exchange for your time is a free ridiculous Proto-show at the end of the day/night for everyone who is involved. And probably a great deal of terrible snacks of some variety.

TO SIGN UP – send an email to the following address and state your name in the subject line and attach a photo of yourself (photo not required, just highly recommended) – protomenvideo@gmail.com

Be aware that there may be age restrictions due to the shoot location, but we will inform you of all the details like age restrictions, shoot location, and suggested wardrobe, as soon as possible. All of said communication and details will come from the protomenvideo@gmail.com account.

As you probably have already guessed, because we’re heading up the East coast to shoot this amazing video and play the super awesome PAX, we’ll be making a few exciting stops along the way. Check out the following list (and don’t start crying baby tears if you don’t see your town listed, we’ve got a not so distant secret):

10th – Cincinnati, OH – Great Wolf Lodge A&G *ALL AGES*
17th – Nashville, TN – Brick Factory – 18+ (Cancer Dancer Party) RESCHEDULED
25th – Asheville, NC – Emerald Lounge —- 21+
26th – Chapel Hill, NC – Local 506 —- ALL AGES
27th – Richmond, VA – Kingdom —- ALL AGES
29th – Teaneck, NJ – Mexicali Live —- ALL AGES

01st – NYC – (Video Shoot)
03rd – Danbury, CT – Heirloom Arts —- ALL AGES
07th – Boston, MA – PAX —- ALL AGES (no show, hangin out)
08th – Boston, MA – PAX —- ALL AGES (no show, hangin out)
09th – Cambridge, MA – Middle East —- 18+
10th – Lancaster, PA – Chameleon Club —- ALL AGES

04th – Nashville, TN – Brick Factory – 18+ (Cancer Dancer Party) *DJ SETS*

More April dates to be announced soon. Keep your eye on our TOUR page (for updated ticket links), as well as our Facebook and Twitter (for just general awesomeness).

And last but not least, coming soon to a Compact Disc Player player near you… CLICK ME FOR EXCITEMENT.

People on the streets.
