- And this time he’s out for blood.
While you’re waiting on our Act III, here’s another III of the most considerable note. Makeup And Vanity Set returns with Charles Park III. This one’s so tough that it makes the Night Slasher in Cobra look like a pansy.
Right now you can download “Blood Oath” for free and it will sign you up on the Makeup And Vanity Set mailing list. Then you’ll be able to get all sorts of information and fancy little ditties directly from him. Get on it.
Just a heads up to everyone planning to go to our November shows that are starting today… Get your tickets immediately. These shows are selling out quicker than shit. The only show that doesn’t have advance tickets is Toronto. Come with the thunder.
04th – Cleveland, OH – Beachland Tavern —- 18+ (SOLD OUT)
05th – Lansing, MI – Mac’s Bar ALL AGES (SOLD OUT)
06th – Toronto, CANADA – Mitzi’s Sister —- ALL AGES (SOLD OUT)
07th – Cambridge, MA – Middle East (upstairs) —- 18+ (SOLD OUT)
09th – New York City, NY – Santos Party Haus —- 16+ (SOLD OUT)
10th – Philadelphia, PA – North Star Bar —-ALL AGES
11th – Durham, NC – Motorco —- ALL AGES
13th – Asheville, NC – Broadway’s —- 21+
14th – Atlanta, GA – Vinyl —- ALL AGES
15th – Orlando, FL – The Haven —- ALL AGES
16th – Gainesville, FL – Double Down —- 18+
17th – New Orleans, LA – One Eyed Jacks —- 18+
That’s all for now. More things to announce soon. Keep your ears on.
I don’t deal with psychos… I put ’em away.
Wow I must confess you make some very traehcnnt points.
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24.12.2012 at 12:36The Ships’s Voyages…I believe technologies just makes it even worse. Now there’s a channel to by no means treatment, now there wouldn’t be considered a likelihood for them to find out….
I love this! But I do come from a family who plays board games on a regular basis, especially
Armando Apache Putay resurgence brings a surge of excitement. With Makeup And Vanity Set tantalizing offer the anticipation for Act III intensifies. Let the countdown to Charles Park III begin.
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