
Welcome to 2015. The year of Jaws 19, and all sorts of other fancy happenings. We have lots of awesome things lined up for this year. For instance…

Guess what.…. The Cover Up album is done! And guess what again….. the pre-orders start tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 9am CST! And guess what else.… if you get your ass to MAGFest (and our merch booth) right now, you can be one of the first people to have the tape in your hands, ears, and mouths!

Vinyl + Cassette Mockup

artwork and design by John DeLucca and Caspar Newbolt

Check the store for the track listing.

We’ve got a few different configurations to choose from at our new GoMerch store:

1. T-shirt (Combo-Only – a super bad ass white shirt that is based on the Cover Up album art.)

2. Cassette (w/ download card/ticket)

3. Cassette + T-shirt (w/ download card/ticket)

4. Double Vinyl (w/ download card/ticket)

5. Double Vinyl + T-shirt (w/ download card/ticket)

6. Super Pack – Autographed Cassette and Walkman (w/ download card/ticket) (SOLD OUT)

7. Super Duper Pack – Autographed Cassette and Walkman + T-shirt (w/ download card/ticket) (SOLD OUT)



-ATTENTION 1 – These Walkman portable tape players (headphones not included) are classic 80’s and early 90’s models, and so will be previously well-used. We scoured the entire Earth and found as many as we could that are in working order. Being that there are several body types, please understand if yours is different than your friend’s. Every Walkman will be tested and signed by the band before shipment, but again, please understand if your “new” vintage technology craps the proverbial bed.

-ATTENTION 2 – The cassettes will start shipping next week (times may vary, if you’re getting a combo). But unfortunately, the records won’t be shipping for about 12 weeks, due to crazy vinyl production factory backlogs. For this reason, we’re not doing combos that combine Cassettes and Vinyl, because a combo purchase would hold back your fancy new cassette until the record mailing. You can still purchase both items, but you’ll probably want to order your Vinyl on a separate order, so it doesn’t delay your other items.

BUT….. dry those tears. As soon as you place your order for your record and/or tape, a High Quality MP3 download will be sent to you immediately upon purchase (remember, you get a download card/ticket inside your album, as well, and that gives you access to high resolution formats like FLAC). Technology.

*And remember, if you got one of the fancy Cover Up EP Warped Tour Lanyards, you can use the code that’s on the back to get a 5 dollar discount on the album configuration of your choice (offer only available at our new GoMerch store, or in person at a show). Just use the code at checkout.

So yeah, for those that don’t already know, we’re playing two sets at MAGFest this weekend in DC. Tonight (Friday) and Sunday night. On Friday, we’re playing the MAGProm, so that means we’re gonna be playing some saucy cover jams. On Sunday, we’re playing our own rock and roll. Make sure you make it to both of them, there may be some surprises coming your way.

If you’ve looked at the internet in the past few days, you may have noticed that a sweet looking game called Starr Mazer landed on everyone’s favorite, Kickstarter. Now stay with me, here. This game is more than likely going to rule. How do I know? Because they asked us to help out with the soundtrack! But seriously though, it just looks bad ass. They didn’t just get us, they got all sorts of awesome people in on the party. Makeup And Vanity Set will be there with us, and so will Manami MatsumaeDanimal Cannon, Virt, Bright Primate, Cheap Dinosaurs, and lots more! Sooo, you should support the shit out of it, if you can.

And don’t worry, there’s nothing between us and Act III now.

Nothing’s gonna stand in our way… not tonight.


9 Responses to “Finally.”

  1. Will there be a download only option at launch? Or a CD one? I’m in the UK, so that means I need to pay an extra $13 shipping for that cool retro tech I can’t really use.

  2. Are the cassette players already sold out?

  3. HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. if one purchases the vinyl/t-shirt combo will they have to wait until april for their t-shirt aswell?

  5. LëRr – Yes. All items that are included in combos with vinyl will ship when the vinyl is ready to ship.

  6. Nick – A digital version is now available at However, we’d still recommend getting the Vinyl. The artwork is going to look better, and the sound is sound better, in that format. Look at it this way, all of our merch is generally really cheap, compared to “the real world.” And by “the real world,” I mean the box set of the TV show.

  7. MAGFest is going to be off the charts. Two sets with surprises in store? Sign me up. And Starr Mazer on Kickstarter? With that lineup it is destined for greatness. Can not wait to support it.
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  8. Finally, it’s ready to ship! Get space-age laser tech now. Grab a giant Cover Up movie poster too—combo pack for extra savings!

  9. The depth of your research is Escape Road astounding

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